Talking Angela, the girlfriend of the famous
With Talking Angela you can chat to Angela as if she were a real person (or cat, in this case), either through text chat or even through the app's facial recognition technology, which is supported on some devices. You'll notice that Angela can comprehend quite a lot of what you write and is able to recognize gestures you make in front of the camera.
You can interact with Talking Angela in other ways too. You might choose to give her a gift or some chocolates, for example. Or, you can dress Angela up in a variety of different outfits (though you have to pay for these by purchasing game coins).
Chatting with Talking Angela can be good fun once you've figured out the kind of things she likes to talk about. You'll find you can even get her to perform requests like singing a song or buying you a drink. Of course, some people might eventually end up deciding to say some naughty things to Talking Angela once they get bored. While obviously we couldn't condone this behavior, the cat does have some witty retorts lined up if you say anything inappropriate. There is a 'Child Mode' in Talking Angela if you want to avoid anything sleazy altogether though.
The novelty of Talking Angela wears off quite quickly, but it's an amusing distraction for a while and is a must for fans of the Talking Tom series.
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