Say one or more sentences for Dicty to convert the text. The converted text can be easily sent to WhatsApp, SMS or e-mail or copied and used in any other application that accepts text.
Speak clearly, using everyday language, without background noise and you will get an excellent voice recognition.
Dicty offers significant benefits. It is up to 5 times faster recording and recognizing a text: For people with dyslexia and deafness.
Please activate your Internet connection for better voice recognition.
The application requires Internet connection on devices with Android prior to 5.0.
Turn up the volume so that other people can hear the speech.
If the application presents problems please refer to Common Problems.
We recommend that you use the application Asly Sign Language so that you can effectively communicate remotely with other deaf people using the camera of your device.
==## SUPPORT ##==
Please do not publish a first comment that just say "does not work" - that doesn't help to solve the problem and we can not work to fix it -. In the application and presentation on this page is our mail, please send your bug report, we will be ready to solve problems you may have. We hope to be few :-)
=## LINKS ##==
Facebook: WordiTool
Send us your questions, comments, errors and doubts to
The text can be read aloud automatically by one of several artificial voices.
You can send to Dicty any text from another application, for example, an e-mail to be read aloud.
You can use and install voices and additional languages using the accessibility tools on your Android device.
Save your most frequent repeated sentences in the list of quick of texts and use rapidly.
-Flexibility to edit text
-Flexibility to copy text to the clipboard
-Flexibility to send text to other applications
Download Dicty Lite 1.2 in